Inaugural All Ireland Lymphoedema Conference, 15th November 2017, Dromantine Conference Centre

The Inaugural All Ireland Lymphoedema Conference
LNNI and the HSE collaborated to hold the first All-Ireland conference on 15th November 2017 in Dromantine Conference Centre. Feedback has been extremely positive and has also provided thoughts for the next shared event! A secondary outcome was the fantastic opportunity to network, and the conference certainly had a buzz of excitement as we all look to the future of lymphoedema care provision across the Island of Ireland!
The 2 keynote speakers, Professor Christine Moffatt and Ms Karen Morgan shared their learning and helped inspire the conference regarding data sets, managing the impact of obesity linked lymphoedema and engaging with community colleagues regarding the management of lymphorrhea. The LNNI team presented on current work projects, and the HSE lymphoedema project provided feedback regarding progress to date and the procurement exercise. The conference had 90 delegates and representation from 9 corporate stakeholders.