Welcome to the Lymphoedema Network Northern Ireland

Key referral contacts

Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
Telephone: 028 9504 3318

Northern Health and Social Care Trust
Telephone: 028 2563 5202

South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust
Telephone: 028 92633737

Southern Health and Social Care Trust
Telephone: 028 3836 0443

Western Health and Social Care Trust
Telephone: 028 8283 3134

View full details on referrals

The Lymphoedema Network Northern Ireland (LNNI) was set up in February 2008 to oversee the development of lymphoedema services across Northern Ireland. 

Our stakeholders include patients, carers, the general public & organisations. Organisations in the network are from the statutory, voluntary, charitable and private sectors.
The network allows our stakeholders to have an active role in shaping future services.
This website provides the following information for patients, carers and health care professionals:


2022 update: support to self-bandage for those with lymphoedema of the arm

This information was developed by a joint therapist/service user group to help support the therapy teaching and encourage those with lymphoedema to become as independent in their care as possible. The leaflets are designed to be used by a therapist to support teaching and not to replace face to face care.


