Lipalgia/Lipoedema is an adipose tissue disorder causing bilateral symmetrical enlargement of the lower, and in some cases the upper, extremity in women leading to significant disproportion of the waist to hip ratio. Affecting mainly women, Lipalgia/Lipoedema is commonly misunderstood and sadly rarely recognised, leading to misdiagnosis in primary care.
Resources and links
National charity: Lipoedema UK’s advice sheet
National charity: Lipoedema UK’s service user feedback and recommendations for self-management
National charity: Lipoedema UK’s GP and Health Care Professional free education resource
2017 Lipoedema - UK Best Practice Guidelines
Interventional Procedures Report (IPR721) regarding the safe use of liposuction for lipoedema
International Lipoedema Association (ILA) research launched
The Lipoedema Registry website link is
Links: and
Lipoedema patient talking about her experience
Differential diagnosis: lipoedema, lymphoedema and obesity
Wounds UK (2017) Best Practice Guidelines: the management of lipoedema, London
Lipoedema Staging
Wounds UK (2017) Best Practice Guidelines: the management of lipoedema, London